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CHAIR JUDGE: Trevor Sterling

Senior Partner

Moore Barlow LLP

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VICE JUDGE: Saleem Arif



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Professor Thom Brooks 

Durham Law School

Chair in Law and Government

Victoria Leigh
Squire Patton Boggs (UK) LLP

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Dr Tunde Okewale OBE
Founder - Urban Lawyers
Barrister - Doughty Street Chambers


Millicent Grant KC(Hon)

Past President of CILEx (2017/18)

Supporter of the First and Next 100 years projects - 10th Anniversary Patron

High Sheriff of Greater London 2024/2025

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Amir Ali OBE
Founder & CEO
Remote Court Users Limited

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Sarah Murphy

General Manager, EMEA 


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Tony Fisher
Chair of FJG
Fisher Jones Greenwood

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Rita Leat

Special Adviser to Cilex

Immediate past Chief Exec of the Institute of Paralegals

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Jason M Hadden MBE

Barrister at St Ives Chambers, Broadcaster, Founder and co-author of How to Represent Yourself in the Family Court

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Ingrid Cope

Senior Director Europe


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Chris Grant

Head of Legal Market Engagement

Emily Foges
The Barrister Group

Brett Dixon

Deputy Vice President

The Law Society

Charlotte O'Brien

York Law School, University of York

Gregory Baker
Global Head of Innovation
Linklaters LLP

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Lucinda Acland

Producer, Editor and Co-host of Kids Law Podcast hosted by Next 100 years. 

Trustee at North Kensington Law Centre

Stuart Hancock

Head of Business Implementation & Services

Carpenters Group

Fran Eccles-Bech

Chief Executive

Manchester Law Society

Chris Bull
Principal, Edge International 

Co-Chair, Bristol & Bath Legal Tech

Bradley Collins


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John Hyde
Deputy News Editor
The Law Society Gazette

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Kyle Blackburn

Chair of the Black Solicitor Network,

Council Member of The Law Society & Associate in the Restructuring and Insolvency Team at Knights Plc

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